Site Ninjas

Top 5 Online Marketing and SEO Tips.

We Market Your Business!

Do not get caught in the trap thinking that just because you now have a website that is designed and developed and is ready to go online that it will suddenly attract you thousands of customers. The fact is, it won’t. 

It needs to be SEO designed. If you dot not spend the money to have your website SEO configured at a minimum it will not show up in Google searches – And SEO is only the half of it. 

We also offer full marketing campaign packages which includes SEO.
– And More!

Do not get caught in the trap thinking that just because you now have a website that is designed and developed and is ready to go online that it will suddenly attract you thousands of customers. The fact is, it won’t.

It needs to be SEO designed. If you dot not spend the money to have your website SEO configured at a minimum it will not show up in Google searches – And SEO is only the half of it. 

We also offer full marketing campaign packages which includes SEO.
– And More!

Website Design

Important Components to Online Marketing and SEO

Your website has true potential

This is where online marketing and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes in. 

Web creators should know prior to manufacturing your website what your goals of being online are. If you are hoping to be noticed through search engines then your website needs to be manufactured in a way from the outset that is going to be recognised by their algorithms. 

Do not fear if you have an exiting website that is not currently being indexed by Google etc… because it can still be re-optimised!

Please read on to find out some more crucial information regarding mastering your business so you can be found online.

1. How important is an Online Marketing Strategy for my Business?

If you are hoping for your website to be the main source of income then it is imperative that your goals clearly set out. This will on your costings when it comes to marketing while ensuring your company gets to where you want to be. This may sound a little daunting but know that it is essentially important on so many levels. 

  • It will save you money.
  • It will give you more of a clear plan for your business.
  • It will help your marketing company achieve your goals better and more efficiently.
  • It will be beneficial to you so you can better future plan your business.

Upon our initial consultation with you we will try to determine which direction you are wanting to head with your business.

We will be asking you normal, industry questions that are relevant to making your business become a reality. These questions are as follows:
a) Does your company need to make a certain amount of sales within a certain timeframe in order for you to break even?
b) Where do you want to see yourself in 12 months, and 5 years?
c) Who are your customers? 
d) How are you currently reaching your customers and how would you like your business to evolve to attract more?
e) Who are your competitors and what are you doing which is different to them?
f) Are you area specific?
g) How much are you willing to invest in reaching your target audience?

When we have determined the answers to these points we can start to create you a more specific plan in order for you to ascertain the customers your business deserves. We will discuss the budget required in order to make your dreams a reality. 

As we are being propelled further into the 2020s to establish a strong online presence is paramount. As a business owner you should be thinking about marketing in more than one place and not relying entirely on web content and SEO – Inbound Links, Social Media and others play a part. We can help you with this. We can assist with your marketing strategy by taking control of your social media, email, advertisement campaigns etc… All of these mediums will help to contribute to your online presence.  

2. Have trust in us

Because there are so many different factors to online marketing Site Ninjas has a dynamic team that specialises in all parts of not only website design and web development but also all areas of online marketing, 

Site Ninjas have experts in many a field to help you to achieve your goal. 

It is entirely up to you just how much you are willing to spend to achieve your business goals. 

We offer help in web development, business branding, responsive websites, pay per click marketing campaigns, media, social media, SEO, email marketing, and/or content marketing. 

All of these areas will help your business to be noticed. 

3. I don’t know my Marketing Budget.

Your marketing budget is a long term investment. Paying early on to invest in online marketing upon the website design and web development stages will pay off in the long run. First thing to realise, as highlighted in an above point is that it is all good and well having a beautiful website but not having your website marketed in the correct manner makes it almost redundant. You need to be aware of this. Please do not for one moment believe that as soon as you have a website created that you will get a lot of notice. To be noticed you need to put aside an online marketing budget.

As a website creator it takes time and effort on many different platforms, with many different methods to ensure a business reaches their full potential. 

It is so very important for all parties involved to have a brief concept of how much investment you are going to have to put in to your online marketing. Evidently the more you invest the more chance you have to be noticed. 

Most business owners when they first have a website designed don’t feel the need for investment – But marketing is critical for your business to prosper.

If we choose the SEO approach be aware it takes time. Google alone, who are the largest search engine in the world takes 90 days just to place your website within their search engine results from being configured by your online marketing company. 

Be patient and believe in us. With the correct balance of investment and trust you will be where you want to be. You will succeed your goals.

As much as this sounds an extremely pricey process it doesn’t have to be. Site Ninjas, as with many other online marketing companies are flexible with their pricing. We do not expect you to enter a full planned contract that has to be paid every month. As normal everyday people we recognise that there are issues in life that means you cannot consistently pay high amounts of money. This is why we offer flexible options.

4. Should my online marketing company be reporting my websites analytics research and results? 

In short, yes. This is not something that not only we do here at Site Ninjas but is something that should be done by any online marketing company. If they are not you need to be asking questions. 

These reports and overall analysis of your SEO results are extremely vital to letting you know how your business is doing online. 

Without this information you will never know what needs to be improved on to ensure your maximum returns are achieved.

We will admit that there is a lot of data to analyse and we also sympathise with the fact it may be a lot to get your head around all the jargon detailed but it is this information that will help your online marketing company determine what needs to be improved upon so your business is going in the direction it needs to be. This is why we are here to help. We will take care of this for you.

Why are my website analytics important?

They tell you everything you should know about your site health and how your website is performing for your users. Analytical report detail how your website is working internally, externally, and search-ability.

Now we delve further into how they are specifically important:


We know how long a user has been on a website, what pages they went to, and what buttons they clicked. 

Say for example if you are an ecommerce company who’s getting a lot of attention, a lot of clicks on your products, but then not locking in the final sale at the cart stage, then we as your Creative Digital Design and Online Marketing company will have to look at the cart page and rethink some changes that should be made so these sales are going through the way they should.

By adding elements to your website such as newsletter signups, form submissions, question boxes are all fantastic ways in tracking your users. This can help for us to strategise and appeal to your users.

We can articulate this information in such a way that we can even attempt to manipulate sales.

There are three main considerations when looking at the data gathered from your advertising investments:

i) What is my impression rate?
ii) What is my click rate?
iii) What is my click through rate?

This will tell you how much your website has been exposed to searching users, how many searching users have then clicked on your website displayed in the search engine results and how many clicks have been made by these users once they are on your site. 

That information will tell us how optimised the website is in order to appear in the search engine results in the first place, how effective the headline and excerpt are in order to attract users to your website. Then how engaged the user is once they are on the website. 

Don’t get to excited if you only have a lot of impressions. We need all three to know if we are being successful. 

When we are looking at the data from an email campaign we are directly looking at the “look at open” and “click rates”. 

These tell us how successful the email campaign is being marketed and how affective the content within the email is to the recipient. 

5. Who are my Customers?

Take into consideration of these three main points:

 * What do my customers want and need?
** What do my customers believe means a lot to them?
*** How can your products and services meet your customers needs?

To have a basic understanding of who exactly your intended customers are this will help tremendously in gaining clarity to some of the questions above. 

Are you aiming to market to those who want/need a product of a broad availably but at a cheaper price or a more niche product or service directed to a more specific demographic?

Website Reviews are important. Are your customers expecting to see reviews on your website? Some may look straight away for a testimonials page or Google Ratings. These are all important elements to consider. Knowing more about your customers will help for you to understand where your money should be targeted in order to reach your audience. Where do they spend their online time? Are they Tik-Tokers, spend a lot of time on Instagram, or do you source most of your work through SEO?

Once we can identify who your customers are  we can script together a strong Online Marketing Management Plan so we can transform your business. 


This is where online marketing and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes in. 

Web creators should know prior to manufacturing your website what your goals of being online are. If you are hoping to be noticed through search engines then your website needs to be manufactured in a way from the outset that is going to be recognised by their algorithms. 

Do not fear if you have an exiting website that is not currently being indexed by Google etc… because it can still be re-optimised!

Please read on to find out some more crucial information regarding mastering your business so you can be found online.

Online Digital Marketing

We're here to help you market your business

1. How important is an Online Marketing Strategy for my Business?

If you are hoping for your website to be the main source of income then it is imperative that your goals clearly set out. This will on your costings when it comes to marketing while ensuring your company gets to where you want to be. This may sound a little daunting but know that it is essentially important on so many levels. 

  • It will save you money.
  • It will give you more of a clear plan for your business.
  • It will help your marketing company achieve your goals better and more efficiently.
  • It will be beneficial to you so you can better future plan your business.

Upon our initial consultation with you we will try to determine which direction you are wanting to head with your business.

We will be asking you normal, industry questions that are relevant to making your business become a reality. These questions are as follows:
a) Does your company need to make a certain amount of sales within a certain timeframe in order for you to break even?
b) Where do you want to see yourself in 12 months, and 5 years?
c) Who are your customers? 
d) How are you currently reaching your customers and how would you like your business to evolve to attract more?
e) Who are your competitors and what are you doing which is different to them?
f) Are you area specific?
g) How much are you willing to invest in reaching your target audience?

Online marketing

When we have determined the answers to these points we can start to create you a more specific plan in order for you to ascertain the customers your business deserves. We will discuss the budget required in order to make your dreams a reality. 

As we are being propelled further into the 2020s to establish a strong online presence is paramount. As a business owner you should be thinking about marketing in more than one place and not relying entirely on web content and SEO – Inbound Links, Social Media and others play a part. We can help you with this. We can assist with your marketing strategy by taking control of your social media, email, advertisement campaigns etc… All of these mediums will help to contribute to your online presence.  

2. Have trust in us

Because there are so many different factors to online marketing Site Ninjas has a dynamic team that specialises in all parts of not only website design and web development but also all areas of online marketing, 

Site Ninjas have experts in many a field to help you to achieve your goal. 

It is entirely up to you just how much you are willing to spend to achieve your business goals. 

We offer help in web development, business branding, responsive websites, pay per click marketing campaigns, media, social media, SEO, email marketing, and/or content marketing. 

All of these areas will help your business to be noticed. 

3. I don’t know my Marketing Budget.

Your marketing budget is a long term investment. Paying early on to invest in online marketing upon the website design and web development stages will pay off in the long run. First thing to realise, as highlighted in an above point is that it is all good and well having a beautiful website but not having your website marketed in the correct manner makes it almost redundant. You need to be aware of this. Please do not for one moment believe that as soon as you have a website created that you will get a lot of notice. To be noticed you need to put aside an online marketing budget.

As a website creator it takes time and effort on many different platforms, with many different methods to ensure a business reaches their full potential. 

It is so very important for all parties involved to have a brief concept of how much investment you are going to have to put in to your online marketing. Evidently the more you invest the more chance you have to be noticed. 

Most business owners when they first have a website designed don’t feel the need for investment – But marketing is critical for your business to prosper.

If we choose the SEO approach be aware it takes time. Google alone, who are the largest search engine in the world takes 90 days just to place your website within their search engine results from being configured by your online marketing company. 

Be patient and believe in us. With the correct balance of investment and trust you will be where you want to be. You will succeed your goals.

As much as this sounds an extremely pricey process it doesn’t have to be. Site Ninjas, as with many other online marketing companies are flexible with their pricing. We do not expect you to enter a full planned contract that has to be paid every month. As normal everyday people we recognise that there are issues in life that means you cannot consistently pay high amounts of money. This is why we offer flexible options.

4. Should my online marketing company be reporting my websites analytics research and results?

In short, yes. This is not something that not only we do here at Site Ninjas but is something that should be done by any online marketing company. If they are not you need to be asking questions. 

These reports and overall analysis of your SEO results are extremely vital to letting you know how your business is doing online. 

Without this information you will never know what needs to be improved on to ensure your maximum returns are achieved.

The video below thoroughly examines why online marketing and SEO is so important for your business. You will become educated with a better understanding to why website designers offers so much more than just a visually effective website.

We will admit that there is a lot of data to analyse and we also sympathise with the fact it may be a lot to get your head around all the jargon detailed but it is this information that will help your online marketing company determine what needs to be improved upon so your business is going in the direction it needs to be. This is why we are here to help. We will take care of this for you.

Why are my website analytics important?

They tell you everything you should know about your site health and how your website is performing for your users. Analytical report detail how your website is working internally, externally, and search-ability.

Now we delve further into how they are specifically important:

Online Marketing Can Improve Your Business

There's many ways we can market your business online


We know how long a user has been on a website, what pages they went to, and what buttons they clicked. 

Say for example if you are an ecommerce company who’s getting a lot of attention, a lot of clicks on your products, but then not locking in the final sale at the cart stage, then we as your Creative Digital Design and Online Marketing company will have to look at the cart page and rethink some changes that should be made so these sales are going through the way they should.

By adding elements to your website such as newsletter signups, form submissions, question boxes are all fantastic ways in tracking your users. This can help for us to strategise and appeal to your users.

We can articulate this information in such a way that we can even attempt to manipulate sales.


There are three main considerations when looking at the data gathered from your advertising investments:

i) What is my impression rate?
ii) What is my click rate?
iii) What is my click through rate?


This will tell you how much your website has been exposed to searching users, how many searching users have then clicked on your website displayed in the search engine results and how many clicks have been made by these users once they are on your site. 

That information will tell us how optimised the website is in order to appear in the search engine results in the first place, how effective the headline and excerpt are in order to attract users to your website. Then how engaged the user is once they are on the website. 

Don’t get to excited if you only have a lot of impressions. We need all three to know if we are being successful. 


When we are looking at the data from an email campaign we are directly looking at the “look at open” and “click rates”. 

These tell us how successful the email campaign is being marketed and how affective the content within the email is to the recipient. 

5. Who are my Customers?

Take into consideration of these three main points:

 * What do my customers want and need?
** What do my customers believe means a lot to them?
*** How can your products and services meet your customers needs?

To have a basic understanding of who exactly your intended customers are this will help tremendously in gaining clarity to some of the questions above. 

Are you aiming to market to those who want/need a product of a broad availably but at a cheaper price or a more niche product or service directed to a more specific demographic?

Website Reviews are important. Are your customers expecting to see reviews on your website? Some may look straight away for a testimonials page or Google Ratings. These are all important elements to consider.

Knowing more about your customers will help for you to understand where your money should be targeted in order to reach your audience. Where do they spend their online time? Are they Tik-Tokers, spend a lot of time on Instagram, or do you source most of your work through SEO?

Once we can identify who your customers are  we can script together a strong Online Marketing Management Plan so we can transform your business. 

Online Digital Marketing

We're here to help you market your business
Online marketing

The video below thoroughly examines why online marketing and SEO is so important for your business. You will become educated with a better understanding to why website designers offers so much more than just a visually effective website.

The next video really helps to highlight the importance to having a full and clear plan for your business. Set yourself goals so you know where you want to head towards. 
This video gives you a very insightful guide on how to plan your businesses online marketing strategy. 

Online Marketing Can Improve Your Business

There's many ways we can market your business online

Sign Up for our Market Mail

Sign up now for monthly marketing tips

Sign up to our monthly market mail for monthly marketing  inspiration for your business.

We are here to help YOU!

The next video offers invaluable information regarding the importance to web analytics for your business. In this video presented by Bluehost, the worlds most trusted hosting service has given an in depth factual tour of  what website analytics really mean for your business to progressively move in the direction you want.

Site Ninjas Digital Design and Marketing Sydney

We Use Specialist Software

To aid in the excelled performance of your business online
Rank Math SEO

Rank Math SEO Assistance Plugin

Rank Math helps us with our SEO. We have used Rank Math for a long time because we rely on their all round high level of AI SEO detail in configuring our websites.


All In One SEO Plugin Package

Another SEO plugin, much like Rank Math but with even more functionalities. AIOSEO are not our go to for SEO but use them for the options Rank Math don't offer.


Yeast SEO Plugin Software

Yeost is another SEO Plugin. This is not our go to for search engine ranking advice because of the lack of options without a paid plan. But we do use these for our clients who are happy to pay because of the integrations they offer.


Google Site Kit

Google Site Kit is used by us in order to get insights on how people find your site, as well as how to improve and monetize your site’s content, directly in your WordPress dashboard.

Click for a consultation...
Site Ninjas Digital Agency

Important Components to Online Marketing and SEO

Your website has true potential

This is where online marketing and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes in. 

Web creators should know prior to manufacturing your website what your goals of being online are. If you are hoping to be noticed through search engines then your website needs to be manufactured in a way from the outset that is going to be recognised by their algorithms. 

Do not fear if you have an exiting website that is not currently being indexed by Google etc… because it can still be re-optimised!

Please read on to find out some more crucial information regarding mastering your business so you can be found online.

1. How important is an Online Marketing Strategy for my Business?

If you are hoping for your website to be the main source of income then it is imperative that your goals clearly set out. This will on your costings when it comes to marketing while ensuring your company gets to where you want to be. This may sound a little daunting but know that it is essentially important on so many levels. 

  • It will save you money.
  • It will give you more of a clear plan for your business.
  • It will help your marketing company achieve your goals better and more efficiently.
  • It will be beneficial to you so you can better future plan your business.

Upon our initial consultation with you we will try to determine which direction you are wanting to head with your business.

We will be asking you normal, industry questions that are relevant to making your business become a reality. These questions are as follows:

a) Does your company need to make a certain amount of sales within a certain timeframe in order for you to break even?
b) Where do you want to see yourself in 12 months, and 5 years?
c) Who are your customers? 
d) How are you currently reaching your customers and how would you like your business to evolve to attract more?
e) Who are your competitors and what are you doing which is different to them?
f) Are you area specific?
g) How much are you willing to invest in reaching your target audience?

When we have determined the answers to these points we can start to create you a more specific plan in order for you to ascertain the customers your business deserves. We will discuss the budget required in order to make your dreams a reality. 

As we are being propelled further into the 2020s to establish a strong online presence is paramount. As a business owner you should be thinking about marketing in more than one place and not relying entirely on web content and SEO – Inbound Links, Social Media and others play a part. We can help you with this. We can assist with your marketing strategy by taking control of your social media, email, advertisement campaigns etc… All of these mediums will help to contribute to your online presence.  

2. Have trust in us

Because there are so many different factors to online marketing Site Ninjas has a dynamic team that specialises in all parts of not only website design and web development but also all areas of online marketing, 

Site Ninjas have experts in many a field to help you to achieve your goal. 

It is entirely up to you just how much you are willing to spend to achieve your business goals. 

We offer help in web development, business branding, responsive websites, pay per click marketing campaigns, media, social media, SEO, email marketing, and/or content marketing. 

All of these areas will help your business to be noticed. 

Online Digital Marketing

We're here to help you market your business
Online marketing

3. I don’t know my Marketing Budget.

Your marketing budget is a long term investment. Paying early on to invest in online marketing upon the website design and web development stages will pay off in the long run. First thing to realise, as highlighted in an above point is that it is all good and well having a beautiful website but not having your website marketed in the correct manner makes it almost redundant. You need to be aware of this. Please do not for one moment believe that as soon as you have a website created that you will get a lot of notice. To be noticed you need to put aside an online marketing budget.

As a website creator it takes time and effort on many different platforms, with many different methods to ensure a business reaches their full potential. 

It is so very important for all parties involved to have a brief concept of how much investment you are going to have to put in to your online marketing. Evidently the more you invest the more chance you have to be noticed. 

The video below thoroughly examines why online marketing and SEO is so important for your business. You will become educated with a better understanding to why website designers offers so much more than just a visually effective website.

Most business owners when they first have a website designed don’t feel the need for investment – But marketing is critical for your business to prosper.

If we choose the SEO approach be aware it takes time. Google alone, who are the largest search engine in the world takes 90 days just to place your website within their search engine results from being configured by your online marketing company. 

Be patient and believe in us. With the correct balance of investment and trust you will be where you want to be. You will succeed your goals.

As much as this sounds an extremely pricey process it doesn’t have to be. Site Ninjas, as with many other online marketing companies are flexible with their pricing. We do not expect you to enter a full planned contract that has to be paid every month. As normal everyday people we recognise that there are issues in life that means you cannot consistently pay high amounts of money. This is why we offer flexible options.

4. Should my online marketing company be reporting my websites analytics research and results?

In short, yes. This is not something that not only we do here at Site Ninjas but is something that should be done by any online marketing company. If they are not you need to be asking questions. 

These reports and overall analysis of your SEO results are extremely vital to letting you know how your business is doing online. 

Without this information you will never know what needs to be improved on to ensure your maximum returns are achieved.

We will admit that there is a lot of data to analyse and we also sympathise with the fact it may be a lot to get your head around all the jargon detailed but it is this information that will help your online marketing company determine what needs to be improved upon so your business is going in the direction it needs to be. This is why we are here to help. We will take care of this for you.

Why are my website analytics important?

They tell you everything you should know about your site health and how your website is performing for your users. Analytical report detail how your website is working internally, externally, and search-ability.

Now we delve further into how they are specifically important:

We Use Specialist Software

To aid in the excelled performance of your business online
Rank Math SEO

Rank Math SEO Assistance Plugin

Rank Math helps us with our SEO. We have used Rank Math for a long time because we rely on their all round high level of AI SEO detail in configuring our websites.


Yeast SEO Plugin Software

Yeost is another SEO Plugin. This is not our go to for search engine ranking advice because of the lack of options without a paid plan. But we do use these for our clients who are happy to pay because of the integrations they offer.


All In One SEO Plugin Package

Another SEO plugin, much like Rank Math but with even more functionalities. AIOSEO are not our go to for SEO but use them for the options Rank Math don't offer.


Google Website Analytics
Reporting Programme

Google Site Kit is used by us in order to get insights on how people find your site, as well as how to improve and monetize your site’s content, directly in your WordPress dashboard.


We know how long a user has been on a website, what pages they went to, and what buttons they clicked. 

Say for example if you are an ecommerce company who’s getting a lot of attention, a lot of clicks on your products, but then not locking in the final sale at the cart stage, then we as your Creative Digital Design and Online Marketing company will have to look at the cart page and rethink some changes that should be made so these sales are going through the way they should.

By adding elements to your website such as newsletter signups, form submissions, question boxes are all fantastic ways in tracking your users. This can help for us to strategise and appeal to your users.

We can articulate this information in such a way that we can even attempt to manipulate sales.


There are three main considerations when looking at the data gathered from your advertising investments:

i) What is my impression rate?
ii) What is my click rate?
iii) What is my click through rate?

This will tell you how much your website has been exposed to searching users, how many searching users have then clicked on your website displayed in the search engine results and how many clicks have been made by these users once they are on your site. 

That information will tell us how optimised the website is in order to appear in the search engine results in the first place, how effective the headline and excerpt are in order to attract users to your website. Then how engaged the user is once they are on the website. 

Don’t get to excited if you only have a lot of impressions. We need all three to know if we are being successful. 

Sign Up for our Market Mail

Sign up now for monthly marketing tips

Sign up to our monthly market mail for monthly marketing  inspiration for your business.

We are here to help YOU!


When we are looking at the data from an email campaign we are directly looking at the “look at open” and “click rates”. 

These tell us how successful the email campaign is being marketed and how affective the content within the email is to the recipient. 

5. Who are my Customers?

Take into consideration of these three main points:

 * What do my customers want and need?
** What do my customers believe means a lot to them?
*** How can your products and services meet your customers needs?

To have a basic understanding of who exactly your intended customers are this will help tremendously in gaining clarity to some of the questions above. 

Are you aiming to market to those who want/need a product of a broad availably but at a cheaper price or a more niche product or service directed to a more specific demographic?

Website Reviews are important. Are your customers expecting to see reviews on your website? Some may look straight away for a testimonials page or Google Ratings. These are all important elements to consider.

Knowing more about your customers will help for you to understand where your money should be targeted in order to reach your audience. Where do they spend their online time? Are they Tik-Tokers, spend a lot of time on Instagram, or do you source most of your work through SEO?

Once we can identify who your customers are  we can script together a strong Online Marketing Management Plan so we can transform your business.